“When are you having kids?” and “You look so young!”

Joanne Yuen.

I have 2 submissions. First one is in regards to being a woman. From my early 20s on (especially in my 30s), many people would ask me about when I’m having children. I was never sure if they asked because they wanted to know how that would hinder my career goals or hinder their business plans. I often questioned if I was being passed up because of this specific reason.
The 2nd one:As an Asian American women, its always been said that we look younger than we should. Everyone that I encounter, poke fun at my age in relation to how I look. I feel like I have to work extra hard to prove that I am not a child and belong where I am based on my ability, performance and knowledge. People have made many remarks regarding their assumption of my age. “Well you wouldn’t know, you’re too young to even know about XYZ!” “Oh! I thought you were a lot younger!” The comments are often cloaked and shows that they see me as inexperienced because they assume I’m “too young” based on my appearance. I often have to make an extra effort to make these “subtle remarks” that would offer up my age without having to specifically reveal my age-38.

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