You’re to White to be Mexican

Chris Ingram
West Covina, CA

I grew up with Latinos all my life, I feel more comfortable around a Hispanic person than any other person. But unfortunately to some kids I hung around, I was considered different, I was the “Guero” or the “Gringo”. But on the inside I was Brown as dirt. I talked the same, walked the same, spoke the same, and to tell me I was to white to be part of your ethnic background, it was unbelievable. However, as I grew up and moved to a predominately white college, I was considered basically the opposite, I was white on the outside but brown on the inside by most of the Latinos on campus, and was considered to brown on the inside to be considered white, regardless of whats on the outside. Its not the perfect scenario, but there never is, and I’m ok with that.

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