Why Was He Angry At Me?

A. C. D.

I’m white, have Asperger’s Syndrome and attend college. Not long ago I had a black student corner me in the hallway outside the financial aid office. He got close to my face and spoke in angry tones, asking why I got scholarships for having a disability. He couldn’t understand why a white person with disabilities would get a scholarship because I was part of the majority race. This young man could not see that my disability meant that I’d face discrimination throughout my life, too. I don’t have a “white privilege card” like others of my race do. They revoked that because I’m autistic. We’re subject to blanket discrimination in the areas of schooling, housing, employment and healthcare (to name a few) because of our mental differences. Why can’t some see that discrimination is not something just faced by racial minorities? Why do they have to be angry at me because I also face a society who’s prejudiced against me? Does the prejudice I face somehow diminish the prejudice racial minorities face? I don’t understand.

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