I’m white, he’s black. They judge.

Ashley Gremler
Ft. Meade, MD

I’m White, well mostly. I am a quarter Vietnamese, but you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at me. I’m dating a Black man. I love him for who he is, not for the color of his skin. But I must admit, I love the way our hands look when our fingers are interlocked. I think it is beautiful and I cannot wait to have children with him someday. But most people don’t seem to agree with our relationship. Even some of my family members and close friends make jokes sometimes. I know they’re just teasing me, but sometimes I think they’re actually being serious. And the truth is, it still hurts either way. It hurts a lot actually, and I don’t want my boyfriend to have to deal with their insensitivity. I just want people to love and accept us for who we are, not judge us because of our different skin color.

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