I’m white I’m not white trash

West Bloomfield, MI.

I don’t have much to say. But I am a white girl, and I have been called white trash before, I walk into a public place and people my age who I have never met before start whispering and laughing at me, I had just happened to hear the phrase “white trash” and I have nothing else to assume than they were calling me that. I really didn’t know what to think at the time and I really didn’t know that it meant. I knew it wasn’t nice but I didn’t know that it meant an underprivileged or skanky white person. and they decided to call me that when they have no clue who I am or who I spend time with. The people who called me that happened to be black but I believe that people should embrace their race and not care what other people think. I’m white…not white trash.

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