My race does not define me

Kristin Koby,
Palm Bay, FL.

I was put up for adoption before I was even born. A loving white family of 7 took me in and treated me, a mixed race infant, as their own. They soon after adopted a black child so that I could have a sibling my age to grow up with – they were always thinking about what was best for all of us kids…I’m a very lucky person. I’d like to say I’m sorry to all of my family for everything they endured because of adopting me and my brother. I’m sorry that both of my parents families disowned them. The last thing my dad said to his family after they told him that I would never be one of them, was “Get the f*ck out of my house”. I’m sorry the catholic church shunned them and kicked us all out. My very religious parents never stepped foot in a church again because they felt so betrayed. I’m sorry for the big black cars that sat outside our home watching us. I’m sorry for the crosses that were burned in our yard. I’m sorry for all the eyes that turned our way in disbelief and disgust. But I’d also like to say thank you. Thank you for bringing me into a fantastic family. Thank you to my dad’s brother and very Irish mother who stuck by my dad and his decisions. Thank you to my sisters who took me to show and tell. Thank you to my brothers who always joked, “you know, we can always return you if you don’t stop crying” – that would always make me laugh. Thank you to the one pastor from the church that gave us the boot who baptized me in a warehouse and wrote a caring letter to me that I still have to this day. Thank you family for making sure I knew how much you loved me and how special I am. Thank you for pushing me to be the best I can be. Thank you for teaching me that race is not important. Thank you for loving me for me and giving me a chance to grow up in a loving, caring family environment.

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