You aren’t what you look like.

Marcus Garcia
Moses Lake, WA

I’m Mexican but people pretty much never get it right like i get asked if I’m white,greek,persian,middle easter,black(shocked about that one),dominican,italian,jewish,etc. and i get called slurs that i don’t even know what they are or mean. when i was younger this would make me upset because i know what i am people would say I’m lying I’ve had to show people my ID so that they would believe me but now that I’m older it doesn’t bug me that much anymore when people ask what i am or take a guess lol. I’ve had people that think I’m the same race as them and then they find out I’m not and look at me weird and treat me different like i was trying to mess with them. I grow an afro during the colder months and people will stare and touch it with out asking like i can’t feel it or ask if its real and if its ok to touch it. So skin color plays a part in what people think i am and with the afro people think oh he’s this or part that.

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