I’m tired of being the “Other”!

Kevin Stordahl,
Seattle, WA.

Every time I fill out important documents they ask for my “race” and every single time they do I wonder a couple things; one, why do they need to know that? And two, where is my category? I have never considered myself one race or another. I have always just felt like a “Kevin” and wished I could just be that. It took a long time for me to feel like I could be myself and it has a lot to do with trying to fit into a world that innately categorizes people based on what they look like. I believe it is unfair to categorize and generalize about individuals because they are just that, individuals. Each person has their own culture, their own way of processing what that culture means to them, and their own way of understanding the world around them through that culture. It is hard, because there doesn’t seem like a lot of time to really get to know every single person you come into contact with, so you don’t learn a lot about their cultures, but all I would say is, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”. Don’t assume they are one way or another based on what they look like, because people’s stories are always more interesting than what you might make up in your head.

What is your 6-Word Story?
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