Autumn Segrest, Highland Heights, KY. As a white woman from suburban America, it can be hard to understand the struggles of the countless people who...
Karolina Krajewska, Hardwood Heights, IL. I read your article in National Geographic about a month ago. The white people are mad about the demographic changes...
Tony Williams, Detroit, MI. Change in America is slow. I find it disheartening to witness the incarceration of African American men at this current level....
Donna Corrigan, Bloomingdale, IL. People would not be so afraid of the changes happening with racial imbalance in our country if laws weren’t being broken,...
Doug Langworthy, Vashon, WA. Our country started changing the minutes we white folks started building our first settlements, displacing the people that had been here...
Atong Majok, Salt Lake City, UT. Being from Sudan, a country with a seemingly-infinite number of spoken languages and dialects, I still find it baffling...
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