Diversity is enriching but also frightening.
Elizabeth A. Leeper, Dubuque, IA. I am a 62 year old, single, white female. I was born in Pennsylvania, grew up in Asia, and now...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Elizabeth A. Leeper, Dubuque, IA. I am a 62 year old, single, white female. I was born in Pennsylvania, grew up in Asia, and now...
Patricia Lee, Cortez, CO When people find out that my father was Chinese and my mother was Japanese, they sometimes ask if I am trilingual....
Nordelys, Chester, VA I came from Venezuela, where people are common mixed because 50 to 100 years ago my country received people from Europe, Asia,v...
Emily Jones, UK People in the UK can have the most horrendous attitude to migrants and refugees fleeing problems OUR COUNTRY CREATED in Africa, Asia...
Claudia Martin Thailand Thai-German-French-Cambodian. In Asia people always assume I’m white, and am treated like an outsider, telling me I’m not really Asian, but in...
Margaret Lin, Houston, TX. Although ethnically Asian, I stick out like a sore thumb in Asia. When I visited China last summer, my mother told...
J Smith Kenya I’ve spent several years living outside the US (Europe, Asia, Africa) and being half Japanese, I am always mistaken for being from...
Aaron Fitzgerald, Australia. It is OK to be white, we are NOT responsible for all the problems that the POC world faces; that the Jewish-run,...
Benito Camela, Dallas, TX. Why no calls for diversity in Africa, South America or Asia? Just Europe, and even countries with no significant history of...
Austin McGlothlin, Berea, KY. I’m an Asian studies major with a concentragtion in Japanese language. I have spent the only year I’ve been in college...
Mike Arlington, VA I’m tired of people dressing, acting, talking like trouble makers, gangsters or criminals then complaining of discrimination. You will become as those...
Sarah Alys Lindholm USA After growing up white in a small upper-Midwestern town with a nearly all-White population, traveling both within and without the US...
Mike Chen Chicago, IL My wife and I were both born and raised in New York. Our parents immigrated from Asia in the 70s, and...
Ryan Mckee Coweta, OK Africa for Africans. Asia for the Asians. White countries for everyone?