Indian or American? Why not both?
Nivedita P., Boulder, CO. Why do we feel that a single label can divide us so easily? It’s more complicated than one word.
When do I become just-American?
Wen Wen Yang Dallas, TX I tell people I’m Chinese-American. My parents are Chinese, born and raised in China, while I was born and raised...

A divisive dividing line against commonality…
Anonymous, Summerdale, AL. To fully understand the reasons why race is such a hot button topic in my opinion,is that one must look at the...

Divide in America demands one listen
When I entered high school, I quickly learned terms like white privilege, white fragility, and microaggressions, which challenged my identity. While I understood I benefited...
I hate being so very “basic”.
Candice, Birmingham, AL Interestingly I only know 1/2 my heritage. as life has changed I find myself wishing I had more culture or flavor, that...

What’s the point when color fades
Spencer, Wilmington, NC. Everyone dies. And when we do die, there will be no color, just bones and dirt. It’s funny that race is so...

The most divisive word on Earth!
Wali Shakur, Santa Fe, NM. Disband all use of the word race (and all of it’s uses) and most economic models will collapse. Peace.

Inclusiveness can be scary. Segregation’s scarier.
Corinne R., Florence, AL. All the time I talk to people who are terrified by the “worst case scenarios” of reaching across racial, religious, and...

Designed to divide, conquer, oppress us.
Teale Greylord, Madison, WI I am an Armenian-American descendent of genocide and diaspora, it’s like living in the gray areas of identity, race, and recognition....
Chill With Anyone And No Politics
Earl Herr, Ecuador I moved in 2018 to Ecuador because of the turmoil in America. I get along with Everyone. I spent years in the...

Our Outer Appearance Does Not Matter
I grew up in a very divided household when it comes down to the words race and racism. When I 7 my parents divorced, I...

Tribalism is more divisive than race.
Elias Jones, Charlottesville, VA. It is tribalism that leads to assumptions both affirming (they are like me, they accept me, I am safe with them)...
The model minority myth blinds Asians
Dylan Ha, Milpitas, CA The model minority myth is the idea that Asians are the “perfect” minority. They don’t retaliate against the majority, conform to...

Divisiveness planted to keep us distracted
Kelly O’Brien Pruitt, Houston, TX. I love living in a multicultural City. I love seeing different sizes and shapes and colors, different combinations of ethnic...

I wish we were all creamy-brown.
Tony Cunningham, St. Cloud, MN. I was going to say “blue,” but that would be a big adjustment. If we were all one race, we’d...

Teacher of black youth, ancestors slaverholders
Ernie Lee Savannah, GA Struggling with my whiteness and my student’s blackness until we connect. I am a good teacher and after a while I...