Teach the truth….THE WHOLE TRUTH!

image6M. D. K. C.,
Deep South, USA.

At some point in history, the powers that be thought it best to skew history. I’m sure the reasoning for this is very obvious. In my schools years, 89-current, we are not being taught the whole truth. Why? Whose agenda does this fit? Why were children not told about black slave owners? Why was nothing ever mentioned about the white and oriental slaves? Why were they left out of history? What purpose did it serve the black populace to lie about whites kidnapping them? Why were students not told that African tribe leaders sold their own? Why were southern slave owners not compensated for their loss of property? After all, many other countries paid their slave owners. Why wasn’t it explained that southerners of all races fought willingly for the Confederacy? Why is my heritage under attack when the truth is hidden from most people? Why are white children being publicly shamed on a mass scale via the “white privilege” indoctrination? Because a white woman said it was so in the late 80s? Really?There are only more questions. We are responsible for our own education. We are obligated to know the real history of our great nation, yet it is kept hidden from us.

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