I wish I could fully understand.

Hilary E. Cooke
West Lafayette, IN

I was unsure how to answer “where I am” because I am currently on sabbatical in France, but I technically and a resident of West Lafayette, Indiana. Although I’ve been thinking about the race card project for a while, it is only here, on sabbatical, that I’ve finally had the space to distill my thoughts all the way down to six words. I’m glad you asked “where are you?” because I hadn’t made any connection between my experiences with race in America and living as an American in European culture. Of course there is a connection! I had been aware of race here, and had wondered about how race might be perceived differently but hadn’t thought about how those musings might be impacting my thoughts about race in America. Now, I will use some more of my sabbatical time to ponder more. Thanks!

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